Category: News/Updates
Storytelling Groups Come Together at CDF
The CDF office was filled with smells of delicious food from Sudan on Saturday, October 26.
October 13 Next Steps Report
As promised, we are sharing a summary report of the Clarkston Community Trust Next Steps Session held on October 13, 2013.
VilCap Start Town Hall Meetings
Local Clarkston Entrepreneurs are invited to join VilCap: Start for three upcoming Town Hall Meetings. The meetings will provide an overview of the VilCap: Start Program
Community Engagement Doesn’t Look like Hollywood
They say that travel broadens the mind. A recent trip taken by CDF team member Sumaya Karimi was no different. However, this time, Sumaya was traveling to a place
Over 50 People Help with Mural Project
“I am so excited there is going to be public art in Clarkston,” one resident commented as he and his 6 year old daughter painted browns and deep reds.
Clarkston’s First Community Mural Project to be installed Saturday
Public art projects have long been used to express ideas, themes and a sense of purpose for communities.
CDF Partners to Facilitate “Third Country” Post Show Discussions
CDF is pleased to be working with Horizon Theatre and Welcoming America to host One World, One Region, One Home Post-Show Discussions.
May I Have a Word? Why Should Parents Talk to their Children in Their Native Language?
Professionals, educators, and parents should be working together
Rethinking the Old
How a conversation led to a simple solution for a crosswalk A crosswalk seems like such a simple thing.
Clarkston Group wins National Storytelling Grant
“We got it!” Monday morning, August 26, I received an excited call from Deborah Strahorn, President, Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia. She had just finished talking with