CDF June 2011 Meeting Summary Information

As promised, we are getting this information to you within about a week of our meeting on June 15. At the two meetings, I outlined the four major initiatives that our foundation has been developing with your support and the support of many others in and outside our community.

These four initiatives are:

Early Learning

CDF is currently working on early education in Clarkston through the Parents As Teachers program.

In the long-term, we have an interest in supporting the educational development opportunities in Clarkston, pre-k through high school and Adult Education opportunities.

Health Services

CDF has a goal to see additional health services in Clarkston as needed.

In the long-term, we are interested in the overall wellness in the community and the integration of services already offered.

Family Advocacy/Support

CDF is connecting our PAT families to support services they need and working to broaden their community engagement opportunities.

In the long-term, we hope to join with others already working to build community among the diverse groups in Clarkston to develop a network to support initiatives such as improvements in housing, retail, and infrastructure.

Urban Agriculture

CDF is currently working to increase the access to and availability of local sources of perennial food production.

In the long-term, we hope to see people in the community involved in the production of healthy and local foods and value added products, on a non-commercial level.

During small-group discussions at our two meetings, participants developed over 400 ideas (!) in six strategic areas. Four of the areas related directly to the current four CDF initiatives, and there are two other areas as well, for a total of six areas.  The attached document is our synthesis of these ideas into the six areas or “themes.”  For each theme, in addition to the ideas and dreams for the future, we have indicated some principles that might guide our work and some key questions about how we could move forward.

We at CDF will continue to work on the above-mentioned four initiatives which were supported in the conversations you had on June 1 and 15.   At the meetings, we also asked you to sign up for participation in strategic planning or action groups in one or two of the four initiatives.  I will be contacting individuals in each of the strategic groups so that we can meet at a convenient time for most members of the groups. If you were not able to be there but would like to be involved in either a Strategy Group or an Action Group in one of the initiative areas, please email us at to find out more and to join us.

To help you know which group you might be interested in joining, here is an example of what we mean by Strategy and Action.

Strategy Group – looking into the possibilities for urban agriculture in Clarkston. ie, sites for edible landscapes, passive rainwater harvesting, areas where food producing plants might grow, etc
Action Group – ready to help plant fruit or nut trees, berry bushes or other perennial fruit or vegetables.


We want you to know that we count on you and on others who will join us along the way to further the good work already being accomplished in Clarkston by you and many others.


Jeremy Lewis

Executive Director

Clarkston Development Foundation

CDF June 2011 Visioning Report

CDF Appendix for June 2011