Photovoice Clarkston Opens July 26

Some participants gather for a photo with Birthe.

The Photovoice Clarkston exhibit debuted at World Refugee Day and will find a more permanent home at the Zuckerman Museum of Art as part of the Hearsay Exhibit.  Hearsay’s opening party is July 6 from 5-8pm and is open to all.

About the Project

Between January and March 2014, 13 members of the Clarkston community participated in the Clarkston Photovoice project. Birthe C. Reimers, Doctoral Candidate in Kennesaw State University’s PhD Program in International Conflict Management, designed the project to lend a proverbial megaphone to a diverse group of Clarkston residents. The project worked to compile and share with policy makers and service providers the participants’ perspectives on the strengths, challenges, and conflicts that shape communal dynamics in town.  The project explored the application of Photovoice as a community engagement strategy to transform the relationships among the diverse group of project participants.

[quote style=”boxed”]There is power in telling someone’s story through imagery. People can ‘get you’ in more ways than just listening to what you say aloud. I am thankful each week for the opportunity to participate and for all the ways my life has been enriched by this project. I gave extra thought to representing someone else’s life and the responsibility that brings.”[/quote]

Photovoice Exhibit at World Refugee Day
Photovoice Exhibit at World Refugee Day

Following an initial training in photography and ethics, the participants set out as photographers and co-researchers to document life in town through their respective lenses. They gathered on Saturdays to share their images and engage in in-depth discussions, which allowed them to see life in town from their neighbors’ perspectives.

The images and collages in the Photovoice Clarkston exhibit are the creative results of this project.

For more information, please visit

CDF’s Role

CDF is honored to have supported the Clarkston Photovoice project. CDF understands the importance of creating space for community members to discuss their different perspectives.

CDF: A Collective Action Initiative, works in Clarkston to mobilize a community whose residents drive and direct the development of activities and services that benefit their community. Through facilitation, network building, and training, CDF partners with the community to be a catalyst for positive change.